Which is real and which is fake? 6 things you can recognize a Rolex

For anyone who struggled with this, according to William May, there are six things you should look at to really distinguish it from counterfeit:

1. The magnification of the date

Due to the fine adjustment of a Rolex, the date must be small. Therefore, a kind of magnifying glass is built in, so that the date is easier to see.

"With all Rolex models, the magnification is 2.5 times and the date really stands out," said William May. "In the case of a forgery, this often becomes 1.5 times and the date is more difficult to see."

2. The weight

If it feels light, then something is not right. Or better in English: “If it feels light, it isn't right.”

“Fake Rolexes are usually lighter, because a real Rolex is made of high-quality metals and they weigh a lot more,” says William May. Visit rolex first copy watches

3. The water test

If you put the watch under water, nothing should leak inside. According to William May, all Rolex watches are 100 percent waterproof, while most counterfeit watches are not.

"The Rolex Submariner is the only watch truly made for deep sea diving, but all models are waterproof and perfectly sealed," says the jeweler.

4. The letters

Everything on a Rolex is perfect. If you take a magnifying glass and see imperfections on letters on the dial, then it is a forgery, according to William May.

5. The back

If the back is made of glass, plastic or crystal through which you can see the inside of the watch, then you are most likely dealing with a fake.

“There are two very rare 1930s Rolex models that have glass backs, but none. If you're buying a relatively modern Rolex with a clear back, it's not a real one. You can also look at engravings. Rolex never does that on the back, but only on the inside, ”says William May. Replica watches in india find all types of branded watches.

6. The ticking

If you hear a loud tap from the watch, you have a fake model in your hands.

“Counterfeit watches are hardly ever made with as much precision as a Rolex. The sound of the tapping is a very clear indication of that. ”